"I don't worry, because of where i live, it would be vaporized 1st strike"
I don't think there's a better way to go.
speaking for my self, no way in hell.. this question to see if you really have been deprogramed,.
do you 100% believe it is not the truth.. a fourth of the world hit by a nuclear attack..
"I don't worry, because of where i live, it would be vaporized 1st strike"
I don't think there's a better way to go.
they the wt are always stating this, yet let's look at just one set of figures.
the average birth rate in the world is roughly 18 babies born per thousand.
the catholics have a membership of roughly 1 billion members.
I don't believe for a minute that the JWs are the fastest growing religion. But I don't think you are correct to cite the number of babies born to Catholics as being indicative of the rate of growth of the Catholic church. The rate of growth is not about the number of new members. Its about the number of new members compared to the existing membership numbers.
To illustrate my point. Imagine a country - country A - that has 1,000,000 people and another country - country B - that has 100,000,000 people. In 2015, country A has 1,000 new births, while country B has 10,000 new births. Which country grew faster? It was country A - the one with fewer births. How? Because country A had a growth rate of 1,000 / 1,000,000 = 0.1%. But Country B, while having more births, grew by 10,000 / 100,000,000 = 0.01%.
So saying that the Catholic church had 18,000,000 babies born to Catholic parents does not mean that the Catholic religion is growing at a faster rate than the JW religion.
from the guys and girls at "it's ok to be smart".. stay curious!.
"Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"
Know what's very funny and ironic about that quote? It also applies to the JW religion - the very religion that denies evolution is also itself a product of evolution in startling ways that mirror the evolution of life on the planet.
More than 90% of all species that have ever lived have gone extinct. Only those that had the traits or evolved the traits to survive in changing environments have survived. This mirrors JW teachings and publications. More than 90% of all publications ever printed by Watchtower have gone out of print (extinct) because they could not survive the changing environments or times which destroyed their credibility.
An intelligent designer would not have made such a wide variety of species only to have them go extinct. Likewise if the Watchtower organization was truly spirit directed then God would not have directed the organization to print so much publications only to have the vast majority of them discarded as old light with the passage of time.
So just as nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution, in the same way nothing in the history of JWs makes any logical sense in the context of a spirit directed organization; but it all makes perfect sense in the light of the evolution of fallible human ideas.
from the guys and girls at "it's ok to be smart".. stay curious!.
congregations get an annual letter that tells what can be ordered for literature (it's mainly a list of audio cds/dvds for the deaf), but this time it included publications that will be discontinued, and this included the isaiah's prophecy book and the reasoning book, and i think i saw the draw close to jehovah book.
i meant to take a picture of the letter but forgot.
the branch is only going to give what they have on stock, when that stock depletes that's it, you won't be able to order those publications anymore.. this is in canada so i don't know if this is worldwide..
Crazyguy: "Just like Jesus the Bible will be used in name only and of course they can change the Bible more anytime they want to say what they want and the rank and file will eat it up."
Speaking of which, I've noticed that since Watchtower introduced the read scripture citations in the literature, less scriptures are being read at JW question and answer study sessions. It seems that many conductors are interpreting the presence of the read scriptures as being indicative that only those scriptures need to be read.
In the past, before the advent of read scriptures, conductors used to have more scriptures read during question and answer sessions.
But to stay on topic I think the Daniel Prophecy book is worse than the Isaiah books. And the reasoning book? The reasoning book reeks of the same kind of disingenuous PR spinning that guilty politicians use to save face in the eyes of the public during a scandal. It is not a christian publication. It is corporate public relations publication to spin JW beliefs and practices in a palatable way to the public, complete with false analogies, logical fallacies, dishonest definitions and cherry-picked information.
a catchy little number this one!
curiously, this little known christmas song by perry como was actually the theme tune to the odessa file movie back in the 70's.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l1uddoh-yu.
so what have you got?.
a catchy little number this one!
curiously, this little known christmas song by perry como was actually the theme tune to the odessa file movie back in the 70's.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l1uddoh-yu.
so what have you got?.
in this recent episode of the atheist experience "john from london" calls in to the show to give his arguments for god's existence.
matt and tracie use logic to point out the flaws in his arguments - very weak arguments!.
near the end of the conversation, john starts talking about the un turning on religion.
Vidiot, I think the new --Imitate--X Speculate Their Faith book currently being studied at kingdom hall congregation "bible" study includes attempts to debunk some of the arguments of skeptics. It is apparent that this publication has as one of its main goals, countering the increasing modern skepticism toward the fanciful stories found in the bible.
More and more young JWs are waking up and leaving, not just JWs, but the bible and theism period. The org appears to be attempting to counter this. This year's drama was also about countering skepticism.
i am jehovah's witness, despite some of the questionable teachings, crimes, and other outlandish behaviors of specific people affiliated with the religion.
i know that my relationship with jehovah is not influenced by any outside factors.
i do not condone any crime.
Qualities that I love about Jehovah:
in this recent episode of the atheist experience "john from london" calls in to the show to give his arguments for god's existence.
matt and tracie use logic to point out the flaws in his arguments - very weak arguments!.
near the end of the conversation, john starts talking about the un turning on religion.
In this recent episode of The Atheist Experience "John from London" calls in to the show to give his arguments for God's existence.
Matt and Tracie use logic to point out the flaws in his arguments - very weak arguments!
Near the end of the conversation, John starts talking about the UN turning on religion. Only then is it clear that John is either a JW or has some kind of JW connection. But Matt isn't interested in hearing John's "conspiracy theory". LOL.
The show is more than an hour long. The segment with John's call is about 26 minutes long starting from about the 00:36:00 mark and running to about 01:02:00.